Information Technology (IT) has started to focuses on exploring how people design, implement, and use interactive computer systems and how computers affect individuals, organizations, and society. These days innovation has turned out to be imperative piece of our life. Consistent changes come up every day like online classes, digital books, kindle editions etc. But changes like this rarely thought about how much it’s efficient or the user understands the concept in the book or paper. We go through a lot of papers books, articles, newspapers, etc. but sometimes some concept, story or idea remains unclear due to lack of explanation or lack of words to present it. Similarly, is the case with students irrespective to degree we read concepts which is harder to understand but if it’s
visualized in a proper way it is easy to grasp and remember. We often experience that understanding a concept or an idea get difficult when we have to read through huge paragraphs, but when it’s depicted in form of real world object it’s easy. Unfortunately we still use hardcopy of textbooks in our school/ colleges etc. that consist of complex concept diagram. To solve this problem we are presenting a solution, which is TeachAR. Here we can convert confusing
diagrams into Augmented Object so it’s easy for students to visualize it. This will also help them to interact with the concepts through 3D object which will help them to visualize the details and texture precisely.
Publication: Vol-07, Issue-01, APR 2021
Publisher: IJREAM
Authors: Harshit Parkar, Mahesh Katkar, Dr. Bhavesh Patel, Ms. Swati Gajbhiye
Keywords: Augmented reality, textbook, education, augmented book, learning
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