Digital Healthcare Software Development Services

As a leading digital healthcare software development services company, we develop digital healthcare solutions employing deep learning and artificial neural networks to improve patient care and operational efficiency while reducing costs. Our custom healthcare software development services include customized mobile healthcare (mHealth) apps, clinical decision support systems, remote patient monitoring, and telemedicine app development services to enhance point-of-care communication. We help our clients enrich medical data for practitioners, streamline workflows, foster data interoperability, strengthen doctor-patient communication, and enhance clinical productivity within healthcare organizations.
Healthcare Software Development Features

Our Expertise

Data Interoperability (EHR, LIMS, and HIE)

We specialize in seamlessly connecting various healthcare systems and devices to enable efficient data sharing using industry-standard protocols like FHIR, HL7, Redox, Azure FHIR services, Azure Health Data Services, and Google Cloud Healthcare API. This ensures quick access to patient records, streamlining care and insurance processes. Our engineers integrate with robust HIE platforms for smooth information exchange between medical professionals and patients. With mobile apps incorporating C-CDA integration, we optimize primary care, promote coordinated care, minimize redundant tests, and improve patient outcomes.

  • EPIC, Cerner, Athenahealth...
  • LIS: TruMed, Labdaq, AdvanceMD...
  • Billing and E-Prescribing Systems

Mobile Health (mHealth) Software Development

Our developers develop comprehensive AI mHealth apps with diverse functionalities, including Provider Portals, Appointment Scheduling, Health Records Access, Fitness & Nutrition Tracking, Wearable Device Integration, Remote Monitoring, Personalized Health Plans, Emergency Services Locator, Secure Messaging, Health Education, and Seamless Integration with Medical Equipment like blood pressure monitors, scales, ECGs, etc. Additionally, we provide features such as Weight Control, Gamification Elements, and Video Conferencing. Our expertise spans across various healthcare domains, ensuring tailored solutions for diverse needs.

  • Digital Fitness & Well-Being Apps
  • Telehealth Services
  • FDA Approved Diagnostic App

Patient Engagement & Provider Enablement

We specialize in developing tailored digital patient engagement software solutions that include features like Shared Decision-Making, Support Groups, Feedback Mechanisms, Community Engagement, Cultural Competence, and Accessible Information to ensure effective communication and engagement. Our engineers also build secure online platforms granting patients access to their health records, test results, and treatment plans. Those platforms boast Digital Health Tools, Remote Patient Monitoring, Personalized Care Plans, and Wellness Programs, empowering patients to actively participate in their healthcare management.

  • Patient Care Concierge
  • Patient Portals
  • Patient Education System

Gen AI & AI/ML

Our custom healthcare software development services leverage the power of Gen AI and AI/ML. From medical research, where we excel in patient-to-clinical trial matching and building knowledge graphs, to clinical efficiency enhancements like automated image interpretation and early chronic disease detection. We optimize operational workflows, and minimize errors through AI-driven solutions such as auto-summary generation and fraud detection. Additionally, we prioritize patient, payor, and provider engagement through LOS prediction, personalized patient discharge instructions, and demand forecasting.

  • Medical Research & Clinical Efficiency
  • Operational Efficiency
  • Patient, Payor and Provider Engagement

Predictive Analytics

Our predictive analytics services within our digital health offerings harness the latest advancements in data science to forecast health outcomes and inform strategic decision-making. Through cutting-edge algorithms and machine learning techniques, we analyze vast datasets to anticipate patient risk factors, optimize resource allocation, and enhance clinical workflows. By predicting factors such LOS, readmission likelihood, and treatment efficacy, we empower healthcare providers to deliver personalized care, minimize costs, and improve overall patient outcomes, ushering in a new era of proactive healthcare management.

  • Improve Patient Outcomes
  • Personalized Care
  • Proactive Healthcare Outcomes

Clinical Decision Support Systems

We develop solutions that seamlessly integrate with Clinical Decision Support (CDS) software, assessing medication histories to alert healthcare providers of potential risky drug interactions, and ensuring patient safety. Our healthcare software development services provide evidence-based insights for informed decision-making and offer alerts and reminders for preventive care and medication adherence, enhancing healthcare standards. Through this technology, we enhance quality, prioritize patient safety, and optimize treatment outcomes, ensuring efficient and effective healthcare delivery.

  • Drug Interaction Alerts
  • Preventive Care Reminders
  • Medication Management Assistance

Digital Medicine & Therapeutics

In our digital healthcare software development services, our engineers develop Digital Medicine solutions including medication adherence tools, digital AI drugs, and smart apps to streamline healthcare delivery. Our Digital Therapeutics services focus on virtually treatable conditions, disease screening, and early disease prediction, utilizing AI-enabled medical care. We aim to enhance patient outcomes, improve adherence to treatment regimens, and provide timely interventions for better management of health conditions.

  • Medication Adherence
  • AI-enabled Medical Care
  • Early Disease Prediction

Digital Diagnostics

Leveraging cutting-edge technology, we offer Cognitive Pathology, harnessing AI for accurate and efficient diagnostics. Our Biomarker Analysis facilitates precise disease detection and monitoring, while Cognitive Radiology enhances imaging interpretation. Through Cognitive Automation of Diagnostics, we streamline workflows, ensuring rapid and reliable results. Additionally, we deliver Clinical Data Integration which seamlessly integrates diverse datasets, providing clinicians with comprehensive insights.

  • Cognitive Radiology
  • Clinical Data Integration
  • Biomarker Analysis

Healthcare Cognitive Automation

We specialize in healthcare cognitive automation, streamlining both non-clinical and clinical workflows. In non-clinical workflows, our cognitive healthcare software development solutions ensure effective appointment scheduling, efficient claims processing, and transparent processes with clear KPIs. We also provide robust complaint audit procedures. For clinical workflows, our focus is on delivering proficient discharge instructions, improving healthcare outcomes, facilitating early diagnostics, and efficient patient information management.

  • Effective Appointment Scheduling
  • Patient Information Management
  • Transparent Processes and KPIs

Attention Healthcare Providers: Let's Discuss to Supercharge Your Business with AI!

Healthcare Challenges that We Solve through Our Healthcare Software Development Services

Healthcare Software Development Challenges-No Early Disease Detection

Lack of Early Disease Detection

AI and computer vision can revolutionize early disease detection with digital healthcare software development by analyzing medical imaging data for subtle signs of illness. Using advanced algorithms, AI can swiftly detect abnormalities in images such as X-rays and MRIs, alerting healthcare providers to potential health risks at their earliest stages. This proactive approach enables timely intervention and treatment, significantly improving patient outcomes. Moreover, AI can continuously learn from new data, enhancing its accuracy and effectiveness over time, ultimately transforming healthcare by facilitating early diagnosis and intervention.

Errors & Inefficiencies in Data Sharing

Generative models in digital healthcare software development can address errors and inefficiencies in data sharing by generating synthetic data that preserves the statistical properties of real patient information. This approach ensures privacy compliance while facilitating seamless data exchange among healthcare providers and researchers. By generating realistic yet anonymized data, generative models mitigate the risks associated with sharing sensitive medical information, such as patient identities. This streamlined data-sharing process enhances collaboration, accelerates research, and ultimately improves healthcare outcomes by enabling access to comprehensive datasets without compromising patient privacy or data integrity.

Healthcare Software Development Challenges-Errors & Inefficiencies in Data Sharing

Custom Healthcare Software Development Challenges-Incompatibility & No Integrations

Incompatibility & No Integrations

Interoperability, the seamless exchange of data among devices and systems, is vital for modernizing healthcare. Achieving full digital transformation in healthcare necessitates highly interoperable technologies that enable seamless data sharing and integration. This facilitates better patient care, streamlined workflows, and improved efficiency in the healthcare ecosystem. Generative AI offers a breakthrough solution to the challenge of incompatibility and lack of integrations in data sharing within digital healthcare software development. By leveraging generative models, disparate data formats and systems can be harmonized and synthesized into a standardized, interoperable format. This enables seamless integration and exchange of medical data across various platforms and healthcare systems.

Dearth of mHealth Applications

To address the challenges of limited time and resources in healthcare, apps are emerging to estimate treatment costs, especially in the costly US healthcare system. Access to healthcare services is enhanced by AI mHealth apps, offering transparency and convenience. These apps facilitate remote consultations, regardless of geographical barriers, akin to the accessibility of services through various platforms. With an aging population and an impending physician shortage, mHealth and similar technologies are poised to mitigate healthcare demands and improve accessibility to care in the future.

Custom Health Software Development Challenges-Dearth of mHealth Applications

Digital Healthcare Software Development Challenges-Absence of Efficient SMS

Absence of Efficient Supply Management System (SMS)

Demand forecasting can revolutionize supply management systems (SMS) with digital healthcare software development by accurately predicting the need for medical resources, such as medications, equipment, and personnel, based on historical data, current trends, and patient demographics. Healthcare providers can improve inventory levels and anticipate fluctuations in demand by utilizing advanced algorithms and predictive analytics. This proactive approach minimizes stockouts, reduces wastage, and ensures the timely availability of essential supplies, thereby enhancing efficiency and cost-effectiveness in healthcare delivery. Moreover, demand forecasting enables strategic planning, resource allocation, and responsive decision-making, laying the foundation for a robust and agile supply management system in digital healthcare.

Limited Remote Access

Traditional healthcare heavily relies on in-person consultations, posing challenges during emergencies or lockdowns like those experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. To adapt, remote access and virtual consultations are becoming essential. Mobile app developers are enhancing the performance of remote platforms, allowing healthcare professionals to deliver high-quality care remotely. Wearables and smartphones enable health monitoring, advancing telemedicine’s impact on mobile solutions. The application of technology in healthcare also drives experimentation with augmented reality, virtual reality, AI, Generative AI, and machine learning, promising further advancements in patient care and accessibility.

Healthcare Software Development Challenges-No Remote Access

Healthcare Software Development Challenges-Lack of Personalized Healthcare

Lack of Personalized Healthcare

Managing patient data faces challenges due to rising patient numbers, service diversity, and healthcare workforce shortages. On-premises data management, while costly, has been customary. Yet, it hampers scalability and IoMT adoption, like Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), crucial for personalized care. RPM generates vast data volumes, overwhelming traditional systems. Moreover, it obstructs collaboration among healthcare providers. Modernizing healthcare applications offers a solution, enabling tailored care amidst resource constraints and fostering collaborative practices essential for individualized healthcare delivery.

Warning: Your HealthTech Product is Missing AI Innovation Opportunity!

Why Choose NextGen Invent as Your Custom Healthcare Software Development Company?

Skilled App Developers

Experienced app developers lead seamless, customized app development with cutting-edge technologies for high-quality applications.

Proven Track Record

Global leader, 400+ successful mobile apps across diverse industries, demonstrating excellence and quality.

Z+ Security Standards

Paramount focus: meticulous data system handling, intricate security integration in software development.

Robust Project Management

Dedicated project managers serve as your sole point of contact for all development concerns.

Evolutionary Quality

Meticulously include remarkable features for superior customer experience and market performance.

Round-the-clock Support

Continuous communication ensures seamless connectivity, impeccable support, and collaboration with designated teams.

Our Digital Healthcare Software Development Success Stories

Healthcare Software Development Blogs

Doctor appointment app

How to Develop a Doctor Appointment App in 2024?

When trying to make an appointment for a medical visit, have you ever found that you have to wait weeks for the next open time slot? Everyone has experienced that. Mobile apps, however, have completely changed how we make appointments.


Telemedicine App Development Roadmap

Everything Businesses Need to Know About Telemedicine App Development

There will soon be a severe physician shortage in the United States. There is projected to be a 46,900–121,900 physician shortage by 2032. According to estimates, there are roughly 15 psychiatrists and 30 psychologists for every 100,000 persons.


Generative AI in Healthcare Use Cases

7 Most Crucial Use Cases of Generative AI in Healthcare

Generative AI in healthcare is taking the medical world by storm, offering groundbreaking solutions left and right. Picture this: by 2032, the global Generative AI market is set to hit a whopping $118.06 billion! That’s no small change, let me tell you.


Digital Healthcare Software Development FAQ's 

How is patient data privacy maintained during digital healthcare software development services?
NextGen Invent, as a leading digital healthcare software development services company, prioritizes patient data security. Through robust encryption techniques, strict access controls, and adherence to healthcare regulations, our engineers ensure the protection of privacy and confidentiality. By implementing advanced security measures, they safeguard sensitive healthcare information against unauthorized access or breaches.
Computer vision technology aids healthcare professionals in generating precise diagnostic tools by analyzing medical images. Its integration in healthcare extends to robotic surgery, personalized medicine, predictive treatment methods, and clinical decision support systems. CV's capabilities empower healthcare workers by providing advanced tools for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. As its applications continue to expand, it promises to revolutionize various aspects of healthcare delivery, enhancing both efficiency and patient outcomes.
AI plays a pivotal role in various cognitive healthcare software development solutions such as robotic surgery assistance, nurse-like chatbots, diagnostics, and medical billing. Particularly, AI-driven natural language processing tools are extensively utilized in clinical documentation to interpret and analyze unstructured clinical notes efficiently. These technologies streamline healthcare processes, enhancing accuracy and efficiency in tasks ranging from surgical assistance to patient interaction and administrative functions.
Remote patient monitoring software development offers a plethora of advantages in healthcare. It enhances accessibility to medical assistance and fosters heightened patient engagement through constant connectivity with healthcare providers, promoting proactive management of health conditions. Additionally, it supports early detection of symptoms by analyzing real-time data, thereby facilitating prompt medical responses and reducing the risk of complications.
Clinical decision support system software solutions leverage knowledge management to derive clinical insights from comprehensive patient data. Their primary objective is to aid healthcare providers in analyzing patient information to formulate accurate diagnoses and devise effective treatment strategies. By integrating into clinical workflows, these systems provide real-time assistance during patient care, offering actionable recommendations for care plans based on current medical evidence and patient-specific data.
Custom AI mHealth app development technologies encompass a diverse array of applications across healthcare sectors, including remote patient monitoring, medical imaging, clinical decision support, and point-of-care diagnostics. These technologies are instrumental in enhancing outcomes for both patients and healthcare providers by leveraging mobile platforms for efficient data management and communication.