
CovidNet: A Light-Weight CNN for the Detection of COVID-19 Using Chest X-Ray Images


Corona virus more popularly known as COVID-19 is an extremely virulent strain from the Corona virus family of viruses and their origin is attributed to bats and civet cats. Currently, there is no cure for this virus nor are there any vaccines available to prevent this. Chest X-ray images are used for diagnosing the presence of this virus in the human body. Chest X-rays can be diagnosed only by expert radiotherapists for evaluation. Thus, the development of a system that would detect whether a person is infected by the Corona virus or not without any delay would be very helpful for people as well as doctors. In this research article, we proposed a novel deep learning model named CovidNet to detect the presence of Corona virus in a human body. We performed extensive experiments on the proposed model and pre-trained models, and the experiments show that the proposed model outperformed other pre-trained models. The proposed CovidNet model achieved best testing accuracy of 98.5%.

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Publication: Advanced computing

Publisher: Springer Link

Authors: Tejalal Choudhary, Aditi Godbole, Vaibhav Gattyani, Aditya Gurnani, Aditi Verma & Aditya Babar

Keywords: Transfer learning, Deep learning, Image classification, Chest X-ray, COVID-19, Convolutional Neural Network

Meet one of the Author:

Tejalal Choudhary

Dr Tejalal Choudhary received his Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering from Bennett University in Greater Noida, India. He has expertise in computer vision, machine learning, deep learning, and model compression. His exceptional ability to think creatively, tackle problems from multiple angles, and generate innovative solutions sets him apart from others.


Bennett University, Greater Noida, India – Bennett University was established in the year 2016 by the Times Group which is India’s largest media conglomerate, to provide Ivy League quality education to undergraduate and postgraduate students. The six schools with 30+ programs and 70+ leading specialisations in Engineering, Management, Media, Law and Liberal Arts have positioned it as one of the top universities in India.

Missouri University of Science and Technology – Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) is a world-class technological research university. Founded in 1870 as one of the first technological schools west of the Mississippi, Missouri S&T offers a broad array of degrees in engineering, the sciences, business, information technology, the humanities and liberal arts, and education — all in an environment that emphasizes technological literacy.

University College London, London, UK – University College London, which operates as UCL, is a public research university in London, England. It is a member institution of the federal University of London, and is the second-largest university in the United Kingdom by total enrolment and the largest by postgraduate enrolment.

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