Pitfree: Mobile Sensor Innovation for Pothole Detection on Indian Roads

Pot-holes on road will make transportation slower and costly. India has a big network of roads to connect the villages and cities, the authority persons cannot travel across the region for identification of holes. As per advancement in machine learning in recent time, we can use this technology for the identification and patching the pot-holes. As per the recent survey around 400 millions, people have a smartphone in India. We can use smartphone sensors (such as Accelerometer and gyroscope) to identify the pot-holes on road and GPS for the location of the pit. The major task of this problem is to capture the data and annotation. We have developed an android app for capturing the value of displacement while travelling on road. We have applied different classification algorithms to sensor raw-data. SVM is the most suitable classification technique for this problem. The android app will sound an alarm when a pothole is detected. Read More
Publication: 2018 IEEE 8th International Advance Computing Conference (IACC)
Publisher: IEEE Xplore
Authors: Gaurav Singal, Anurag Goswami, Suneet Gupta, Tejalal Choudhary
Keywords: Machine Learning, Mobile Sensors, Road Safety, Classification
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