7 steps of image pre-processing to improve OCR using Python

7 steps of image pre-processing to improve OCR using Python
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ML, Data + AI + Analytics

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7 steps of image pre-processing to improve OCR using Python

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What is OCR?

[/custom_heading][text]Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a course of perceiving text inside pictures and changing it into an electronic structure. These pictures could be of manually written text, printed text like records, receipts, name cards, and so forth, or even a characteristic scene photo. OCR uses two techniques together to extract text from any image. First, it must do text detection to determine where the text resides in the image. In the second technique, OCR recognizes and extracts the text using text recognition techniques. OCR is an active research area and with the introduction of deep learning, the performance of various OCR models has been increased sufficiently. [/text]

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What are the application areas for OCR?

[/custom_heading][text]OCR has many application areas in the real world and one particularly important benefit is to minimize the human effort across various industries in our everyday life. Some of the popular application areas for OCR are the digitization of various paperwork, book scanning, reading signboards to translate into various languages, reading signboards for self-driving cars, registration number extraction from vehicle’s number plate, and handwritten recognition tasks, etc,[/text][clear by=”15px” id=”” class=””]

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Why does the image pre-processing important for any OCR model’s performance?


[text]OCR has many application areas in the real world and one particularly important benefit is to minimize the human effort across various industries in our everyday life. Some of the popular application areas for OCR are the digitization of various paperwork, book scanning, reading signboards to translate into various languages, reading signboards for self-driving cars, registration number extraction from vehicle’s number plate, and handwritten recognition tasks, etc,

We have consolidated seven useful steps for pre-processing the image before providing it to OCR for text extraction. Explain these pre-processing steps, we are going to use OpenCV and Pillow library.[/text]

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Installing required software for OCR pre-processing


[text]Install OpenCV and Pillow Library:

  • Install the main module of OpenCV using pip command

          pip install OpenCV-python

  • Or you can Install the full package of OpenCV using pip command

          pip install OpenCV-contrib-python

  • Install Pillow library using pip command

          pip install pillow

  • Import the OpenCV in the code as given below

          import cv2


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Seven steps to perform image pre-processing for OCR

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1. Normalization

[/custom_heading][text]This process changes the range of pixel intensity values. The purpose of performing normalization is to bring image to range that is normal to sense. OpenCV uses normalize () function for the image normalization.[/text][text]

norm_img = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]))
img = cv2.normalize(img, norm_img, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)


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2. Skew Correction

[/custom_heading][text]While scanning or taking a picture of any document, it is possible that the scanned or captured image might be slightly skewed sometimes. For the better performance of the OCR, it is good to determine the skewness in image and correct it.[/text][text]

def deskew(image):

co_ords = np.column_stack(np.where(image > 0))

angle = cv2.minAreaRect(co_ords)[-1]

if angle < -45:

angle = -(90 + angle)


angle = -angle

(h, w) = image.shape[:2]

center = (w // 2, h // 2)

M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0)

rotated = cv2.warpAffine(image, M, (w, h), flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC,


return rotated


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3. Image Scaling

[/custom_heading][text]To achieve a better performance of OCR, the image should have more than 300 PPI (pixel per inch). So, if the image size is less than 300 PPI, we need to increase it. We can use the Pillow library for this.[/text][text]

from PIL import Image

def set_image_dpi(file_path):

I’m = Image.open(file_path)

length_x, width_y = im.size

factor = min(1, float(1024.0 / length_x))

size = int(factor * length_x), int(factor * width_y)

im_resized = im.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=’.png’)

temp_filename = temp_file.name

im_resized.save(temp_filename, dpi=(300, 300))

return temp_filename


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4. Noise Removal

[/custom_heading][text]This step removes the small dots/patches which have high intensity compared to the rest of the image for smoothening of the image. OpenCV’s fast Nl Means Denoising Coloured function can do that easily.[/text][text]

def remove_noise(image):

return cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(image, None, 10, 10, 7, 15)


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5. Thinning and Skeletonization

[/custom_heading][text]This step is performed for the handwritten text, as different writers use different stroke widths to write. This step makes the width of strokes uniform. This can be done in OpenCV[/text][text]

img = cv2.imread(‘j.png’,0)
kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8)
erosion = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations = 1)


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6. Gray Scale image

[/custom_heading][text]This process converts an image from other color spaces to shades of Gray. The colour varies between complete black and complete white. OpenCV’s cvtColor() function perform this task very easily.[/text][text]

def get_grayscale(image):

return cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)


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7. Thresholding or Binarization

[/custom_heading][text]This step converts any colored image into a binary image that contains only two colors black and white. It is done by fixing a threshold (normally half of the pixel range 0-255, i.e., 127). The pixel value having greater than the threshold is converted into a white pixel else into a black pixel. To determine the threshold value according to the image Otsu’s Binarization and Adaptive Binarization can be a better choice. In OpenCV, this can be done as given.[/text][text]

def thresholding(image):

return cv2.threshold(image, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY +



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[/custom_heading][text]OCR has a wide range of application areas in the real world and improving the performance of OCR models is necessary to avoid the mistakes in the real world. Image pre-processing reduces the error by a significant margin and helps to perform OCR better. Image pre-processing steps can be decided based on the images available for text extraction. Based on the image, some steps can be removed, and some others can be added as per requirement. The pre-processing becomes more effective when applied after having a better understanding of the input data (images) and the task to perform.[/text][text]If you like the article, please let us know via your comments. If you are looking for help in NLP projects then schedule a discussion using the link or send an email to [email protected]
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    Automatic Labelling to the rescue

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    Artificial Intelligence, Data + AI+ Analytics

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    Automatic Labelling: A big leap in data prepration for AI/ML Models

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    Tagging or labeling of data is an essential step in training computer vision models. With more and more data being needed for training, it is imperative to label the data in a hassle-free and less time-consuming fashion. This is where automatic labeling comes into the picture.


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    [/custom_heading][text]When we started the computer vision model that can identify objects in an image and video, we never realized that the objects, we need to identify may take us over a year to label. We needed to label thousands of objects in millions of images to train our model. Innovation is the mother of necessity and we were forced to come up with options to automate our instrument labeling task.

    We could not use solutions from companies such as https://thehive.ai/ as those label objects in rectangle boxes and we needed to label exact boundaries of instruments.[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]


    [/custom_heading][text]We analyzed multiple tools which could help us in reducing the time and cost of labeling. The following are the tools for evaluation:

    Tool  Pros  Cons 
    Amazon Sagemaker Ground Truth Accurately labeled data can manage big data, competitive pricing ($8/100 objects) Need machine learning experience to carry out labeling jobs
    Lionbridge AI Highly accurate labeled data, better project management features Higher pricing
    V7 Darwin Speeds up labeling time dramatically Bugs are not managed
    Label Opensource tool, user friendly  No project management features

    Based on our selection criteria,3-4 seconds for labeling, we selected Label.

    We needed to select a model which can help in automating the labeling of objects. Among the various options below, we selected Detectron2.

    This approach allowed us to finish the labeling task in a week.[/text][image float=”center” lightbox=”” width=”” is_gallert_item=”” src=”14840″ alt=”” href=”” title=”” popup_content=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

    Results and Learning:


    • With the advent of Big Data, the future of  data labeling is active learning. 
    • Data labeling requires quality control, manual intervention , and collaboration to produce high-quality training data. 
    • The cost of data annotation was scaled down by 5 times. 
    • Too many data points were created by automation, hence, another algorithm was created to reduce the number of data points.

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    [text]Our Automatic Labelling to the rescue solution is available now to all our customers at no charge for the models which we are developing. In case you have any queries on how to auto-label the images, please contact us for more information at [email protected].

    Visit our website at www.nextgeninvent.com[/text]

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      What AI and its adoption means to business?

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      Digital Transformation, Data + AI + Analytics

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      What Artificial Intelligence and its adoption means to business?

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      AI is no longer a dream for the future: it has become a reality across all industries and spheres of life, especially the business world. As with anything new, it can be a challenge to adopt AI within existing systems. So, how can you harness the power of AI?

      It all starts at the top, business leaders are the change agents, and game-changers, it falls upon them to enlighten their colleagues, employees, and others. They articulate the pros and cons of AI as well as how it can help accelerate business growth.[/text]

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      The Benefits of AI for Business

      [/custom_heading][text]Regardless of your niche, there’s a way that AI can help you. A few broad advantages you can expect with AI integration include:

      • Improved employee efficiency – Automate processes can save time and effort that employees can direct towards other goals instead of being bogged down with repetitive manual tasks.
      • Improve Quality – Using Machine learning for analysis and processes can bring accuracy. That delivers consistently better results and avoid room for error with manual work
      • Proactive than Reactive – AI and its adoption can provide you with predictive analytics allowing you to tackle unforeseen problems, meet customer demands with ease, and find better ways to grow your business.

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      How Do You Increase AI Adoption?

      [/custom_heading][text]Most businesses are well aware that AI could help them innovate but not many understand how exactly that happens. Change agents struggle on how to reap the benefits of AI via driving its adoption. To maximize benefits and increase adoption, we recommend a 2-pronged approach:[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

      1. Enabling Workforce with data and Insights

      [/custom_heading][text]Our first recommendation is to initially focus on building the main KPI-based dashboards so that power is in the hands of employees and managers. The process of defining these KPIs and dashboards will help you refine your business goals and truly figure out what you need your AI system to accomplish.[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

      2. Build on the success of the prior step using a four-step approach: discover, plan, act, and optimize.


      • Discovery involves accessing the state of your data, the capabilities of your people, the feasibility of your system, etc. Assessing your data value is the single most important thing you can do to ensure the success of your AI system. Data is the lifeblood of any AI system and having structured, clean data can make or break AI initiatives.
      • Plan out your mission and vision for your AI solution by defining the obstacles in your business and converting insights into potential solutions.
      • Then we move on to the act – Implementation of the planned activities. We suggest choosing the right problem to solve based on its impact and adoption rate. AI use cases impact is calculated based on which business workflow it can be part of.
      • Lastly, you need to optimize systems, and processes. AI systems thrive on learning and constantly optimizing will ensure that insight is real and valid with changing business, and your system stay trustworthy.

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        Decision Making Framework for AI based Product businesses

        Business Leaders In AI Adoption
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        Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation

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        Decision Making Framework for AI based Product businesses

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        NextGen Invent Corporation has built a decision-making framework for entrepreneurs and business innovators. To address the following questions that arise when you have a business idea using AI and workflow enhancement.

        • I have an AI business idea, but what’s next?
        • What will increase the adoption of my AI solutions?
        • How can I make sure that my data science team is going to build an accurate model?
        • What are the success factors and forces that go into making my AI model effective?
        • What are the risks associated with my AI product/service adoption and sales cycle?


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        [text]A business framework (decision-making framework) for AI-based products.

        services include evaluating AI models and streamlining workflow automation that can contribute to business growth.

        An agile business framework is key to avoiding expensive mistakes and ensuring a positive business outcome. Whether the idea is to start a new AI-based product/service business or to transform an existing product, a business framework plays a crucial role.

        Most entrepreneurs would agree that they had a million-dollar AI-based product idea but were unable to bring it to reality because they were unaware of the direction they were supposed to take.

        Therefore, having a solid business framework to guide decision-making processes is an important tool.

        NextGen Invent’s decision-making framework is based on the experience gathered from over three hundred AI model developments and from interviews with 50+ executives and 20+ successful entrepreneurs. The proposed business framework highlights five key principles that play a vital role in determining the course of your AI business:[/text][image lightbox=”” width=”” is_gallert_item=”” src=”14786″ alt=”” href=”” title=”” popup_content=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][text]An entrepreneur should consider these five key principles to be successful in defining an AI/ML/Deep Learning model for bringing innovative products and services to the market. Let’s understand each key principle in detail.[/text][clear by=”40px” id=”” class=””]

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        Be the Model User


        • If you are an entrepreneur with a goal to launch an AI model-based product or service, you should imagine yourself to be the model user. Define your expectations from the model. This will help you determine the input format, the manner in which it is processed.
        • The output is given to your users.
        • After receiving the input, you must understand, as a model, the success rate of the output provided. In other words, ask yourself how knowledgeable you should be as a model used to provide the input to utilize model output.
        • You should make sure that your model output is relevant to users’ needs based on vast data knowledge.
        • If you are an entrepreneur and not a data scientist then this step brings you closer to understanding your AI product and services at a deeper level.
        • This step will help you in asking the right questions as well.

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        Entry barrier


        • In Michael Porter’s five forces, the most critical force for the success of a product or service is Entry Barrier. In most cases, the entry barrier for an AI model comes from its input data.
        • Most companies are moving towards gathering Real World Data, gaining exclusive data rights, and improving data quality.
        • 360-degree data approach along with strong data quality standards are crucial ingredients in making a unique model.
        • value proposition and an entry barrier to your business.
        • Once your model has an entry barrier and value to the customer, it is important yet difficult to maintain that position.
        • Continuous learning, additional data to increase model intelligence, and expanding strategic partnerships/distribution channels may help you in staying ahead of curve.

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        • “Ethics is knowing the difference between what is right and what is wrong”.
        • Unfortunately, there will always be a gray area as law and social awareness will change over time.
        • As an entrepreneur, the boundaries you set and the decisions you make in regard to ethics.
        • Having an AI model with high standards for data privacy will tend to provide sustainable products and services.

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        Model Risk

        [/custom_heading][text]Like all other businesses, AI-based products and services have their own set of unique risks. We can categorize these risks as follows:[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

        1. Trust

        [/custom_heading][text]An AI model is seen as a black box, i.e. input is provided to receive an output, but is it very hard to gain insight into what happened inside the box.

        Even though a model is using several black-box components one should spend extensive time in quality test data and scenarios.

        Trust in a model normally comes from well-documented benefits achieved from the AI model in real scenarios.[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

        2. Future Redundancy

        [/custom_heading][text]Due to ever-changing and fast-paced technology, the model that is considered worthy today might end up being redundant in the future. Therefore, plan to periodically audit and analyze your model’s performance in different scenarios.[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

        3. Data Compliance

        [/custom_heading][text]In most cases, the data used for your AI model has to follow a set of rules and regulations like HIPAA, GDPR, etc.  As these laws are changing, a model that is compliant today may not be in the future.

        Staying ahead of the curve and using technologies such as federated learning are commonly implemented approaches in these cases.[/text][clear by=”40px” id=”” class=””]

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        Model Adoption


        • This is where an entrepreneur or other business executives spend most of their time.
        • Executives should keep working on how to increase model value and make it easy to use.
        • The adoption of AI is one of the hardest dimensions in any organization.
        • It must adopt at all levels of the organization for it to be successful.
        • Entrepreneurs and executives should be aware of the above business framework and related key principles.
        • We would love to know how this framework has helped your business.
        • To get more information or discuss your AI initiative, please click here.

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          Rise of Digital Healthcare/Telemedicine during Covid

          Business Leaders In AI Adoption
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          Digital Health, Digital Transformation, Telemedicine

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          Rise of Digital Healthcare/Telemedicine during Covid

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          Prior to the Coronavirus pandemic, digital healthcare or telemedicine was a relatively new form of healthcare delivery that was still far from mass adoption in the industry. However, Covid-19 completely changed existing healthcare delivery models in the blink of an eye. Now, telemedicine has become a mainstay of healthcare delivery and is definitely here for the foreseeable future.

          As the pandemic kept people restricted to their homes, no one could go to a hospital or clinic unless it was an emergency. It became necessary to deliver healthcare remotely as much as possible to prevent the further spread of the pandemic. This was a huge boost in the adoption of digital health measures like telemedicine, remote monitoring, and digital health tracking.[/text]

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          The Use Of Technology And Analytics In Healthcare:

          [/custom_heading][text]The healthcare sector is slow in adoption of technology. There is hesitancy in healthcare providers to depend too much on technology. After all, medicine does require a human touch. However, technology can provide the necessary data to drive these human decisions leading to better patient outcomes and this can be done without sacrificing empathy and compassion.

          AI and machine learning can be vital tools for doctors, helping them make smarter and quicker decisions. The Coronavirus pandemic has hastened the use of telemedicine by both healthcare providers and patients, that has helped save many lives in these times.[/text][clear by=”40px” id=”” class=””]

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          Digital Healthcare During The Pandemic

          [/custom_heading][text]The Coronavirus pandemic has familiarized the industry with several digital transformations including:[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]


          [/custom_heading][text]Telemedicine involves doctor-patient consultations happening online, usually through video conferencing. As video conferencing became a part of daily life, patients and doctors alike are now more comfortable with online consultations. Telemedicine is perfect for remote care of chronic conditions, minor emergencies, counseling, follow-up care, and more.[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

          Remote Monitoring

          [/custom_heading][text]Remote monitoring and digital tracking of health parameters have made it possible for doctors to safely monitor their patients at home. This allows the patients to remain comfortable at home while also allowing the doctor better monitoring through tracking devices, sensors, etc.[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

          Mobile applications

          [/custom_heading][text]The pandemic has driven the use of mobile apps by patients and caregivers to track symptoms, treatment, and outcomes. This is also an easy way for doctors to track multiple patients and use the data to drive better treatment over time. Mobile apps also played an important role in contact tracing.[/text][clear by=”40px” id=”” class=””]

          [text]Other digital transformations during the pandemic include the use of AI bots for tele-consulting, predictive analytics, AR training, and bringing sustainability to the healthcare supply chain.

          The future of digital health is bright with the entire industry rapidly adopting cloud computing, big data analytics, and digital communication. As this field expands, the question of data security around patient records is at the forefront of every discussion. Only time will tell how far digital health can take us.[/text][clear by=”40px” id=”” class=””]

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            Healthcare Data Analytics and why it matters?

            Machine Learning
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            Data + AI + Analytics, Digital Health

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            What is Healthcare Data Analytics and why it matters?

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            What is Healthcare Data Analytics and why it matters? The healthcare sector is a unique field where each decision can change the course of many lives. In this highly stressful scenario, making the right decision is of utmost importance. Data-driven decision-making in healthcare is still in its nascent stages but shows tremendous promise for the future.

            Data analytics in healthcare is a game-changer— now healthcare providers, researchers, and others can make more accurate decisions that can improve patient outcomes and save lives. Healthcare analytics can also help reduce healthcare costs, stop the outbreak of epidemics and pandemics, improve compliance to medication, and hasten drug research. Each patient in a healthcare system generates massive amounts of data that can be collected and analyzed to optimize patient care.[/text]

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            What Is Data Analytics In Healthcare?


            Data analytics in healthcare involves the collection and processing of data to drive healthcare insights and decisions. Major areas of interest in healthcare data analytics include medical expenses, patient behavior, pharmacology, and clinical data processing. Doctors and other healthcare providers can now gain valuable insights into their patients which improves the delivery of care. Doctors can identify problems sooner leading to faster diagnosing. Data can also drive the selection of medications and treatments to give the patient their best chance at success. Overall, data analytics in healthcare can improve operational efficiency, patient prognosis, and reduce unnecessary medical expenses.

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            What Are The Advantages Of Healthcare Data Analytics?

            [/custom_heading][text]The analytical approach to decision-making can make a positive change in the following ways:[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

            1. Predictive analytics

            [/custom_heading][text]Predictive analytics utilizes large pools of data to predict outcomes. This is used to help doctors make quick decisions to enhance patient care. This is particularly useful in cases with complicated medical histories or patients with multiple health conditions.[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

            2. Delivering care in high-risk situations

            [/custom_heading][text]Emergency care is fraught with difficulties and can get costly for patients, with no guarantee of a good outcome. Data analytics can help even the odds for patients by providing doctors with the necessary analysis to treat high-risk patients successfully.[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

            3. Cost control

            [/custom_heading][text]Many hospitals, clinics, etc. lose revenue due to staffing errors. Data analytics can help reduce understaffing or overstaffing by using data to predict patient flow. This makes the whole process of patient care more efficient and reduces the cost for both patients and providers.[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

            4. Global advancement

            [/custom_heading][text]Data analytics can help predict and control the outbreak of epidemics and pandemics. Big data can also help predict treatment outcomes, improve quality of life, and provide early risk detection and assessment. Healthcare data analytics can change the way medical care is delivered. As we live longer, the demand for good medical care is never-ending. Data analytics can ensure that medical care is less risky, more efficient, and makes a positive change for patients across the globe.

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              AI Adoption: Why Business leaders should excel it?

              Business Leaders In AI Adoption
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              Artificial Intelligence, Data + AI + Analytics

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              AI Adoption: Why Business leaders should accelerate it?

              [/custom_heading][share facebook=”true” twitter=”true” linkedin=”true” email=”true” size=”small” id=”” class=”” style=”margin-top: 10px;”][clear by=”15px” id=”” class=””][text]Business Leader’ decisions and actions have widespread consequences on company success and as such, great leaders excel at preparing their company to beat the competition. They lead the company and employees, spearhead strategy, and inspire confidence in the set targets and goals. Equipping business leaders with more sophisticated and powerful tools enables better decision-making. In this aspect, the importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) cannot be overlooked.

              The 2019 study from Microsoft and IDC Asia/Pacific, “Future Ready Business: Assessing Asia Pacific’s Growth Potential Through AI”.[/text]

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              [text]Which surveyed 200 business leaders and 202 workers, concluded that the rate of innovation improvements and employee productivity gains were estimated to rise by 2.2 times and 2.3 times, respectively. For the organizations that have implemented AI initiatives.[/text][clear by=”35px” id=”” class=””]
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              The top five business drivers to adopt the technology were:


              • Higher competitiveness (24% of respondents chose it as the number one driver)
              • Accelerated innovation (21%)
              • Better customer engagement (15%)
              • Higher margins (14%)
              • Productive employees (9%)

              [/text][clear by=”40px” id=”” class=””]

              [text]Therefore,the biggest advantages of Artificial Intelligence (AI) come in the form of reducing the load of repetitive tasks for employees and providing deeper insights over extended periods of time. AI is a great tool to bring in agility, filtering signals from noise. Also, it has the ability to handle big data easily, extract meaningful patterns and models.

              Finally, make responsive dashboards that cannot be overstated.[/text][clear by=”35px” id=”” class=””]

              [text]AI adoption can also serve to make the organization agile, initiating the development of new products through careful listening and appropriate action.

              Trailblazing leaders can build a knowledge base and disseminate that information consistently, motivating continuous learning in an environment that seeks to progress rapidly and radically.[/text][clear by=”40px” id=”” class=””]

              [text]In addition, the benefits of AI come with some considerations. To implement AI effectively in your business, you need big data in diverse forms. To utilize this data, you will need more computing power and storage than you’ve used before, and additional skills to integrate this software and hardware into your current technology and business teams.

              As you start to use AI technology, the more data you get, the more ways you’re likely to discover how to use it. Successful use of AI technology to improve business is an ongoing and continuous effort.[/text][clear by=”40px” id=”” class=””]

              [text]In conclusion,  as a business leader, you are at the helm of this effort, helping others to adjust and thrive.

              You can also, steer how an organization prepares for and responds to the opportunities and risks around AI in business.[/text][clear by=”40px” id=”” class=””]

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                Changes needed to promote AI Adoption

                To Promote AI Adoption
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                Artificial Intelligence, Data + AI + Analytics

                [/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=””]

                Deeper look at change needed to promote AI adoption

                [/custom_heading][share facebook=”true” twitter=”true” linkedin=”true” email=”true” size=”small” id=”” class=”” style=”margin-top: 10px;”][clear by=”15px” id=”” class=””][text]The nature of work and the status quo of business are rapidly changing. To beat the competition, leaders are challenged today to embrace the change required within the company to transform it into an AI-enabled company first with AI Adoption. The rise of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and automation has changed the way we train labor, how we leverage machines, and how we improve productivity. In these exciting times, no one can afford to be left behind.

                AI is changing the face of business every day. From fully automated customer service to guiding banking decisions, the scope of work undertaken by AI is expanding. Firstly, not every business has been able to harness the power of AI in its processes and goals.[/text]

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                Tapping Into the Power Of AI

                [/custom_heading][text]Truly mobilizing the power of AI requires a huge shift in mindset, company culture, and company processes. Acceptance and understanding of AI among managers and executives is the biggest change and is absolutely necessary for a shift towards an AI-powered future.

                At the leadership level, one of the major roadblocks is taking a plug-and-play approach to AI Adoption. This happens when company leaders rush into their AI implementation and build their systems with a narrower view of their goals. But this isolated, small-scale approach can backfire leading to a failure of company-wide adoption.

                The second roadblock leaders might face is taking a narrow perspective on their AI goals and a lack of understanding of the capabilities that AI has. Leaders first need to analyze their goals, align their company culture and mission to their goals, and work with experts to build AI systems that will stand the test of time.[/text][clear by=”35px” id=”” class=””]

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                What Changes Are Needed For AI Adoption?

                [/custom_heading][text]The first change is always a change in your strategy. Think about what your goals are, what processes you need to change or initiate, and how you can maintain this long-term. Once company leaders lock in this strategy, they can then move towards educating their peers and employees on the pros and cons of AI and machine learning.

                Broadly, these are three changes you will need to consider:[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

                1. Creating a collaborative work culture

                [/custom_heading][text]AI thrives on data and the best way to create valuable data is to encourage cross-departmental collaboration. This will help you take a broad view of your challenges and goals and avoid the pitfalls of a limited or one-sided perspective. By involving people across different disciplines, you can enrich your insights and help create a more robust AI system. Additionally, it is important that leaders address the fear of failure for a company to embrace innovation.[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

                2. Shifting to data-driven decision-making

                [/custom_heading][text]This onus falls squarely on company leaders. Gone are the days when we relied on purely leader-driven decision-making. Company leaders must now lead the charge towards data-driven decision-making. Trusting your AI system and augmenting company decisions with data and analytics is an important step in seamless AI adoption.[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

                3. Accepting a more dynamic, agile workflow

                [/custom_heading][text]AI works best with practice. This means it may not be perfect at first. It takes time to learn and gets better with every iteration. This means companies will have to adjust to a trial-and-error mentality with the resilience to learn from failures.

                Technologically sound, data-driven processes involving skilled people are the future of business. however, don’t rush to adopt AI systems without first analyzing your company, your goals, and your processes. Evaluate each step and analyze generated data, and always consult with experts for guidance.[/text]

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                  Insight-driven Organization – Four steps to start your journey

                  Insight-driven organization
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                  Data + AI + Analytics, Insight driven

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                  Insight-driven Organization – Four steps to start your journey

                  [/custom_heading][share facebook=”true” twitter=”true” linkedin=”true” email=”true” size=”small” id=”” class=”” style=”margin-top: 10px;”][clear by=”15px” id=”” class=””][text]Data is easily the most valuable commodity on Earth in our time. Every business, big or small, generates massive amounts of data every day. But what use is all this data if we do not put it to work?

                  Harnessing your data to provide insights and predictions is the cornerstone of being an insight driven organization. An insight driven organization is one that relies on data analytics to make decisions. Being an insight driven organization means valuing the power of analytics and building teams and processes that nurture data to generate accurate and useful insights.[/text]

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                  Why Should You Be an Insight Driven Organisation?

                  [/custom_heading][text]Relying solely on human insight and decision-making leaves a lot of room for error. While this approach has served us thus far, it is time to revolutionize how companies makes decisions. Data analytics has grown rapidly in the last decade. By creating an insight driven organization, you can innovate quicker, be more efficient, and differentiate yourself in your chosen market.

                  Once successfully implement, an insight driven approach only gets better and better as each cycle of insight or prediction generates data that can be used to further refine your results and chart your course towards a data-first future.[/text][clear by=”35px” id=”” class=””]

                  [custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

                  How Can You Become an Insight Driven Organisation?

                  [/custom_heading][text]The shift towards an insight driven organisation does not happen overnight. It requires careful planning and a determination to create an organizational shift in how your company operates. Broadly, consider the following 4 steps to start your journey: [/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

                  Step 1: Build a strategy

                  [/custom_heading][text]As with most things, your success depends on how you plan and strategize a shift towards being insight driven. Analyse your business, your goals, and your capabilities before embarking on this organizational change. [/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

                  Step 2: Acquire data

                  [/custom_heading][text]Nobody wants incorrect or inaccurate insights. To avoid this common pitfall, you need to ensure that you collect and organize high-quality, relevant data to feed into your AI system. Data is the life of any successful AI system, so invest time in building data sets that provide a comprehensive view of all data. [/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

                  Step 3: Be change agent

                  [/custom_heading][text]A change in company culture and standard operating procedures is crucial for a shift towards being an insight driven organization. Let go of a simplistic departmental view of your organization and work towards building a dynamic and integrated workflow that meshes well with the goals of your AI system. [/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

                  Step 4: Technology

                  [/custom_heading][text]Acquiring data, organizing it, and analysing insights necessitates the use of complex technology. This includes software to collate your data, technology to provide an all-round view of your data, and of course, an AI system to process data and provide you with the insights you need. This is best done by partnering with experts in data science to ensure your systems are secure, trustworthy, and stand the test of time.

                  Creating an insight driven organization is a marathon, not a sprint. Remember to pace yourself, take your time, and start small. When in doubt, consult with experts rather than going blindly in the wrong direction. With the right mindset and support, you too can make the leap towards being an insight driven organization. [/text]

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                    Ready for HIPAA Compliance?

                    HIPAA Compliance
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                    Data + AI + Analytics, Data Privacy

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                    HIPPA compliance, A must have for Healthtech organization?

                    [/custom_heading][share facebook=”true” twitter=”true” linkedin=”true” email=”true” size=”small” id=”” class=”” style=”margin-top: 10px;”][clear by=”15px” id=”” class=””][text]Don’t go online until you’ve fully considered every aspect of what Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) really means to your business and your business associates.[/text]

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                    What is HIPAA, HITECH, and its Objectives?

                    [/custom_heading][text]Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a US federal law, issued in 1996, upholds the data privacy and security of protected health information (PHI) and provides guarantees to patients that their data is handled in a safe and secure way.  

                     HIPAA is created to:  

                    • Improve the portability and accountability of health insurance coverage for employees between jobs  
                    • Combat fraud and abuse in health insurance and healthcare delivery  
                    • Promote the use of medical savings accounts by introducing tax breaks, provides coverage for employees with pre-existing medical conditions  
                    • Simplify the administration of health insurance  


                    Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act), issued in 2009, promotes and expands the adoption of health information technology, specifically, the use of electronically protected health information (ePHI) by healthcare providers and tightens HIPAA compliance.  

                     HITECH is created as an extension to HIPAA to cover:  

                    • Improvement of healthcare quality, safety, and efficiency  
                    • Application and use of health information technology standards and reports  
                    • Testing of health information technology  
                    • Grants and loans funding  
                    • Privacy and security of electronic health information  
                    • Revisions to permitted uses and disclosures of PHI  
                    • Business associates are prevented from using ePHI for marketing purposes without authorization  
                    • Patients are given the right to change/revoke any authorizations they had previously given  
                    • Requirements for accounting for disclosures of PHI  
                    • Maintaining records of disclosures including to whom PHI had been disclosed and for what purpose.  


                    The HIPAA Final Omnibus Rule of 2013 expands regulations for privacy, requirements for breach notifications, business associate liabilities, and business associate agreements. This rule mandates business associates of covered entities also subject to HIPAA compliance and audits.[/text][clear by=”35px” id=”” class=””]

                    [custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]

                    For which businesses HIPAA and HITECH Acts are applicable?

                    [/custom_heading][text]It is applicable to practically all health plans, health care clearing houses, health care providers and endorsed sponsors of the medical care prescription drug discount card. These entities, directly create., maintain, and use PHI on a regular basis, are referred to as “HIPAA Covered Entities” under the Act.

                    “Business Associates” of “Covered Entities” are also covered by HIPAA. Business Associates entities provide third party services during which they will encounter PHI. Prior to undertaking a service on behalf of a Covered Entity, a Business Associate must sign a Business Associate Agreement guaranteeing security and privacy of any PHI to which it has access.

                    As health care providers are now required by law to give patients a Notice of their Privacy Policy, it will be necessary to explain HIPAA and Privacy Policy to patients as they must sign a copy of the policy to say they have received it.

                    It is not applicable to entities dealing neither with patients’ personal data nor patients’ health information.[/text][clear by=”35px” id=”” class=””]

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                    What happens in case of HIPAA violations?


                    • The HIPAA regulations are enforced by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services´ Office for Civil Rights, while state Attorney Generals can also act against parties discovered not to be compliant with HIPAA.  
                    • The Office for Civil Rights has the authority to impose fines on Covered Entities and Business Associates for violations of HIPAA and data breaches unless the offending party can demonstrate a low probability that health information has been compromised.  
                    • Civil and criminal penalties could be issued directly to business associates for the failure to comply with HIPAA Rules regardless of whether a data breach had occurred or not.  
                    • Penalties of HIPAA violations, in 4 levels of negligence, range from USD 100 to USD 50,000 per violation and maximum of USD 1.5 million per year of violation of identical type.  
                    • Restitution may also need to be paid to the victims.  
                    • In addition to the financial penalty, imprisonment is likely for a criminal violation of HIPAA Rules.  

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                    Benefits of HIPAA and HITECH

                    [/custom_heading][text]While the initial cost of investment in the necessary technical, physical, and administrative safeguards to secure patient data may be high, the improvements can result in cost savings and higher revenue over time because of improved efficiency.

                    Since healthcare organization employees’ workflows are streamlined, and the workforce has become more productive, healthcare organizations can reinvest their savings and deliver a higher standard of healthcare to patients. [/text][clear by=”35px” id=”” class=””]

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                    Challenges to Implement HIPAA + HITECH 


                    • The technologists are often unaware of the expectations of these Acts of Law
                    • Initial high investment of securing data/information
                    • Shorter time-to-market may overlook requirements of the Act

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                    B2B perspective for sharing data 

                    [/custom_heading][text]Data Protection Agreements for guarantees of security and privacy of PHI need to be established prior to sharing of PHI among covered entities and their business associates

                    Technology controls need to be established to managed to prevent and detect any loss of data privacy and security by covered entities and their business associates[/text][clear by=”35px” id=”” class=””]

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                      Unfolding Health Tech Revolution: The Next Big Thing in Indian Healthcare

                      Unfolding Health Tech Revolution: The Next Big Thing in Indian Healthcare
                      [clear by=”20px” id=”” class=””][text]

                      Data + AI + Analytics, Digital Health, Telemedicine

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                      Unfolding Health Tech Revolution: The Next Big Thing in Indian Healthcare

                      [/custom_heading][share facebook=”true” twitter=”true” linkedin=”true” email=”true” size=”small” id=”” class=”” style=”margin-top: 10px;”][clear by=”15px” id=”” class=””][text]In the last few decades, the advent of technology has touched all aspects of our lives. One field that has seen major growth and transformation due to technology is the healthcare field.[/text][text]Healthcare has been the Achilles heel of India for far too long now. Despite massive planning by successive governments over the years, the healthcare field is still in a precarious situation. The COVID pandemic has fully exposed the vulnerabilities and shortcomings of the healthcare sector in India. One of the biggest challenges that remains is the extremely disproportionate doctor-patient ratio in India. So, in response, various governmental and private stakeholders have been consistently trying over the last few years to leverage the recent technological advances to ensure affordable, quality, and timely healthcare for everyone in the country.[/text]

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                      How is technology changing the narrative?

                      [/custom_heading][text]India is a huge and diverse country in many aspects; the most prominent aspect being the socioeconomic situation of individuals. Therefore, one can infer the difficulty faced in trying to ensure quality healthcare for everyone in a society with traditional thinking and planning. Now, advancements in Health Tech have been able to change the narrative up to a substantial extent.  

                      Accessibility, affordability, and availability are the three major elements to be considered regarding the healthcare sector in India. Technology is helping to address all these parameters and plenty of innovations are underway for people-friendly solutions.  

                      Artificial intelligence, data analytics and big data have been utilized and leveraged by various start-ups and government bodies to create services and products that allow healthcare to be more readily available to the masses. The COVID-19 pandemic has catalysed the adoption of these technologies much faster than we imagined and transformed the face of healthcare in India.  [/text][clear by=”35px” id=”” class=””]

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                      Some real-life examples of the Health Tech revolution

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                      Telemedicine or telehealth

                      [/custom_heading][text]The overall doctor-patient ratio is poor in India. This is the reason most of the people living in rural India never get to consult a doctor in their lifetime. But with the massive penetration of mobile internet, now various private healthcare institutions have entered the villages and are helping them connect to specialists in the cities. Some NGOs and government authorities have also taken advantage of the telemedicine facilities to reach out to India’s poor and remote population.[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=””]

                      Self-monitoring devices and services

                      [/custom_heading][text]The self-monitoring device sector has seen a major upsurge in recent times. People are becoming more alert nowadays with regards to their health conditions. Moreover, people without secondary help or recuperating from various surgical and other major medical procedures can easily rely on self-monitoring devices. Such devices help them save significant money and time as they do not need to go out for basic tests. Private healthcare innovators have been able to utilize technology to fine-tune and take forward such devices, breaking away any boundary. The devices range from a simple bodyweight scale to a BP checker to an advanced massage gun to a whole-body multi-parameter fitness checker. [/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=””]

                      Big data and data trends

                      [/custom_heading][text]COVID management and vaccination drives received a massive boost with the help of predictive data analysis techniques, data trends and big data analysis. The COVID situation would have been much worse without the help and use of these modern-day technological phenomena[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=””]

                      Virtual integration of ICU units with specialist doctors

                      [/custom_heading][text]In India not only is it a bit difficult to set up a fully functioning ICU unit but it is far more difficult to get ICU specialist doctors. So, when recently some healthcare innovators produced the idea of virtually integrating ICU units of faraway places with specialist doctors sitting in a different city, it was well received by everyone involved in the care delivery and receiving process. Such innovations will surely address the abysmal doctor-patient ratio in India and help people receive quality ICU treatment even in the far corners of the country. [/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=””]

                      Health kiosks

                      [/custom_heading][text]The concept of a health kiosk is another innovative idea to bring quality healthcare to the masses. However, the penetration and implementation of such kiosks are quite low in comparison to its prospects. Such kiosks can help people test for various biochemical as well as other body parameters in the comfort of their own backyard. This significantly reduces travel time and in turn, saves their working days. Furthermore, such health kiosks help in the early diagnosis of various critical diseases.[/text][custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=””]

                      The hybrid model

                      [/custom_heading][text]This model is a combination of traditional practices and modern-day technological advancements. Governments, as well as various private entities, have employed village level health workers who work as foot soldiers amongst the rural population. They visit every household in their demarcated areas to educate them about various preventive health tips, check their vitals with portable devices and upload the data to the cloud storage which can later be accessed by their employers. Such practices help organizations formulate accurate healthcare solutions for a target audience as they have plenty of patient data at their disposal for a detailed pattern study. Additionally, they can easily help people in need of immediate medical attention. [/text][clear by=”35px” id=”” class=””]

                      [custom_heading id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom: 0px;”]


                      [/custom_heading][text]The Health Tech revolution is still in its nascent phase in India. We can expect some major disruptive innovations in the coming years, around Health Tech. Proper and just use of technology can surely reduce the burden on the doctors. This great unfolding Health Tech revolution will make healthcare more affordable, accessible, and available to everyone in our society.  [/text]

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                        Future of Digital Healthcare: Where are we heading?

                        [blog_5_secrets_of_successful_data heading=”Future of Digital Healthcare: Where are we heading?” description=”The most outstanding entrepreneur Steve Jobs once said, “We cannot connect the dots by looking forward but can connect them by looking backward.” Thus, to understand where we are heading with digital healthcare, it is essential to know what developmental changes digital health has been through to date.” image=”17634″][/blog_5_secrets_of_successful_data]

                        Below is the timeline of a few important milestones in Digital Healthcare to date:


                        Telemedicine, which is now mainstream treatment in healthcare, dates to 1897. Adam Darkins and Margaret Cary’s book “Telemedicine and Telehealth: Principles, Policies, Performances and Pitfalls” mentions the first reported use of telemedicine on a young child with croup illness. However, the subsequent use of telemedicine for diagnosis was reported after nine decades post-1987, during the Antarctica expeditions and space missions.

                        Similarly, during the mid-1960s, Lockheed developed an electronic clinical information system that laid the foundation for Electronic Health Records (EHR). By the 1980s, hospital administrative efforts were made to use EHR among medical practices.


                        As the world entered from the 80s to 90s, digital health met its golden period. Polygraph lie-detector test was invented in 1921. It was the first machine to include sensors that measured Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), pulse rate and blood pressure. The technology used back then is now commonly found in fitness trackers. In 1938, the first wearable hearing aid was developed. Healthcare delivery through digital communication showed potential to upgrade the relationship between patients and healthcare providers. Many professional associations appeared in the USA and across the globe. A few examples include the International Medical Informatics Association, the American Telemedicine Association, and the European Health Telematics Association.

                        Significant technological advances during 1950-1999 lead to the invention of ultrasound imaging techniques, artificial organs, and DNA sequencing. These techniques laid the following founding base on using technology in medicine for patient benefit.


                        2003 witnessed the world’s first fully digital pacemaker where a physician can download patient information in just 18 seconds. To enhance the experience during physical exercise, Nike and iPod launched a fitness tracking wireless system in 2006. Physician Tom Ferguson invented the word “e-patient” and wrote the first white paper on the concept of e-patient in 2007. The physician created a website epatient.net and wrote blogs. The primary intention behind e-patient is to make patients aware of using the internet to socialize, stay well-informed, and take healthcare into their own hands.

                        Similarly, in 2010, Health keynote speaker Engelen started the #PatientsIncludedmovement. The movement’s goal is to empower the patient to be the caretaker of their health and increase patient literacy. Delocalization of healthcare (Telemedicine) using technological developments is also the goal of #PatientsIncludedmovement.

                        In 2014, the British Medical Journal created the Patient Panel to take patient and public partnership to the next level of scientific research publication. The journal realized that affordable, safe, quality, and effective healthcare could be possible if patient perspectives were also given importance. Thus, BMJ brought the following changes:

                        • Calling on authors to involve them in the production of their papers
                        • Requesting authors of research papers to highlight how they involved patients in designing the research question.
                        • Also included papers reviewed by patients in their standard peer-review process.


                        In 2017, USFDA launched the Digital Health Unit to expand the opportunities for digital health tools to become part of general healthcare. The American Medical Association in 2018 published its Artificial Intelligence Policy. The goal was to get doctors involved in the development of healthcare A.I. It also stressed patient and physician education on the potentials and limitations of A.I.


                        “Innovations in Digital Healthcare during COVID-19 Pandemic”

                        During the COVID-19 pandemic, Telehealth saw massive growth. Online Services like COVID test from the comfort of your home, booking an appointment with a consultant physician, with pathology labs to collect blood, urine, or other samples as directed by the physician, and ordering medicine from a pharmacy shop et al. have increased dramatically. Virtual healthcare became the new norm. Artificial Intelligence-based diagnostic testing and over-the-counter tests for accurate and fast diagnosis of COVID-19 also came into the picture.

                        Apart from this, here are a few innovations that we witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of digital health:

                        • Artificial Intelligence (AI) designed 3D-printed swabs
                        • Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology to monitor social distancing
                        • Light signal processing technology to detect COVID-19 via smartphone